Zpět na seznam článků
Fiedler Miroslav
Prof., RNDr., DrSc.
Born April 7, 1926 in Prague
- Linear and numerical algebra
- Member of Learned Society since 1997
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1945, graduated, Vančura academic secondary school, Prague-Smíchov;
- 1945-1950, Faculty of Science, Charles University;
- 1950, RNDr.;
- 1955, CSc., Institute of Mathematics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences;
- 1963 DrSc., CSAS;
- 1965, Professor of Mathematics, Charles University
Employment academic positions:
- 1952-1991, Institute of Mathematics, CSAS;
- 1992, pensioner;
- 1993-present, Institute of Computer Science, AS CR (part time)
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1979-1991, Chairman, Czechoslovak Mathematical Committee
- 1994-1999, Chairman, Czech Mathematical Committee
- 1978-1998, Chairman, Committee for Defence of Doctor’s Theses
- 1970-1998, Vice-Chairman, Central Committee for the Mathematical Olympiad (currently member)
- 1978-present, Editor-in-Chief, Czechoslovak Mathematics Journal
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies:
- 1978, Member, International Linear Algebra Society
- 2000, Member, American Mathematical Society
- Member, editorial boards of journals: Linear Algebra and Its Applications (U.S.A.), Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (Israel), Numerische Mathematik (FRG), Mathematica Slovaca (SR).
Notable awards:
- 1978, National Prize (together with V. Pták), Czech National Council
- 1986, B.Bolzano Gold Medal, CSAS;
- 1993, Hans Schneider Prize, International Linear Algebra Society
- 1996, Gold Plaque, Juraj Hronec, CSAS
- 2003, Gold Medal Faculty of Sciences, P. J. Šafárik University, Košice
Selected publications:
- Special Matrices and Their Applications in Numerical Mathematics. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht 1986
- Über qualitative Winkeleigenschaften der Simplexe. Czechoslovak Math. J. 7(82), 463-478 (1957)
- On matrices with non-positive off-diagonal elements and positive principal minors (with V. Pták). Czechoslovak Math. J. 12(87), 382-400 (1962)
- Generalized norms of matrices and the location of the spectrum (with V. Pták). Czechoslovak Math. J. 12(87), 558-571 (1962)
- Matrix inequalities. Num. Math. 9, 109-119 (1966)
- Algebraic connectivity of graphs. Czechosl. Math. J. 23(98), 298-305 (1973)
- Eigenvalues of nonnegative symmetric matrices. Linear Algebra Appl. 9, 119-142 (1974)
- Spectral properties of real Hankel matrices. In: Structured Matrices in Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 1, (V. Olshevsky, Ed.). AMS, Contemporary Mathematics 280, 313-320 (2001)
- Generalized totally nonnegative matrices (with T. L. Markham). Linear Algebra Appl. 345, 9-28 (2002)
Připomeňte si diskuse Učené společnosti o open access, o predátorských vydavatelstvích a o dalších aspektech vědeckého publikování:
11.ledna 2023, moderoval Jan Trlifaj:
Open access – pozitiva a rizika
- prof. Michal Hocek (Učená společnost ČR a ÚOCHB AV ČR)
- Ing. Jiří Marek (ÚVT Masarykovy univerzity)
- doc. Daniel Münich (CERGE-EI)
- doc. David Kosař (Právnická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity)
- Ing. Martin Svoboda (NTK a CzechELib)
- dr. Václav Štětka (Loughborough University, UK)
- prof. Jan Trka (2. LF Univerzity Karlovy)
17. ledna 2023, moderoval Martin Loebl:
Heroic Librarians Fighting Publishing Sharks
- Vinciane Gaillard (Zástupce ředitele European University Association)
- Jiří Jirát (člen vyjednávacího týmu CzechELib)
- Gerard Meijer (ředitel Ústavu Fritze Habera MPG a místopředseda německého vyjednávacího týmu DEAL)
- Martin Svoboda (ředitel NTK, vedoucí vyjednávacího týmu pro elektronické zdroje)