Zpět na seznam článků
Černý Petr
F.R.S.C., Professor Emeritus, Ph.D., Dr.Sc. h.c.
Born January 8, 1934 in Brno, † April 7, 2018
- Honorary member of Learned Society since 2001
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1952, graduate, academic secondary school, Staré Brno;
- 1952-1956, graduate geologist, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Brno;
- 1964, RNDr., Faculty of Natural Sciences, J. E. Purkyně University (FS, JEPU) (now Masaryk University), Brno (administratively elevated from graduate geologist);
- 1962-1966, CSc., FS, JEPU and Institute of Geology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague
Employment and academic positions:
- 1956-1962, mineralogist-petrographer, Geologický průzkum n. p., Brno;
- 1962-1964, research officer, Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, Moravian Museum, Brno;
- 1964-1968, research officer, Institute of Geology, CSAS, and University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada;
- 1971-1974, Assistant Professor; 1974-1980, Associate Professor;
- 1980-1999, Professor of Mineralogy; 1999-2000, Senior Scholar; 2000 Professor Emeritus
Membership in domestic scientific bodies:
- 1956-1969, Society for Mineralogy and Geology
- 1993, External Member, Scientific Council, Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic
- 1994 Honorary Member, Czech Geological Society
- 1998-2001 visiting editor, Journal of Czech Geological Society
Membership and positions in international organizations and societies:
- 1957, Member, Mineralogical Association of Canada (1984-1989 and 1992-1995, Associate Editor, The Canadian Mineralogist)
- 1960, 1973, Member, Mineralogical Society of America (1973, Life Fellow; 1986-1987, Awards Selection Committee)
- 1980, 2001, Member, American Geophysical Institute
- 1980, Member, Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SVU) (2003, Member, College of Fellows)
- 1981, 1994 Fellow, Geological Association of Canada (1994- Distinguished Fellow) (1994-1996 Award Selection Committees)
- 1985, Member, Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft
- 1985, Member, Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm
- 1986, 2001 Member, Société de Géologie Appliqué (1986-1988 book co-editor)
- 1991, Member, Royal Society of Canada
- 1994, Member, Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft
- 2000, Member-Correspondent, Asociación Geológica Argentina
Notable awards:
- 1981, Medaille A.H. Dumont, Société Géologique de Belgique (Liege)
- 1984, Past Presidents’ Medal, Mineralogical Association of Canada, Ottawa
- 1985, Commemorative Medal, University of Helsinki
- 1991, Bořický Medal, Charles University
- 1991, Gold Medal of Masaryk University
- 1991, Doctor of the geological sciences honoris causa, Masaryk University
- 1993, F. Pošepný gold plaque, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
- 1993, Logan Medal, Geological Association of Canada, Ottawa
- 1993, Friedrich Becke Medal, Österreichische Mineralogische Gesellschaft, Vienna
- 2001, Medal, Asociación Geológica Argentina, Buenos Aires
Selected publications:
- P. Černý, F. Čech, P. Povondra: Review of ilmenorutile-struverite minerals. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 101, 142 (1964)
- P. Černý, P. Povondra: Beryllian cordierite from Vezna: (Na,K) + Be → Al. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte 1966, 36 (1966)
- P. Černý (editor and co-author): Granitic Pegmatites in Science and Industry: Mineral. Assoc. Canada Short Course Handbook 7, 555 pp. (1982)
- P. Černý, R.E. Meintzer, A.J. Anderson: Extreme fractionation in rare-element granitic pegmatites: selected examples of data and mechanisms. Canadian Mineralogist 23, 381 (1985)
- P. Möller, P. Černý, F. Saupé (co-editors and co-authors): Lanthanides, Niobium and Tantalum. Springer-Verlag (1989)
- P. Černý: Distribution, affiliation and derivation of rare-element pegmatites in the Canadian Shield. Geologische Rundschau 79, 183 (1990)
- P. Černý: Rare-element granitic pegmatites, Part 1, Anatomy and internal evolution of pegmatite deposits; Part 2, Regional and global relationships and petrogenesis. Ore Deposits Models II, Geol. Assoc. Canada, pp. 29-62 (1993)
- P. Černý: Evolution of feldspars in granitic pegmatites. In: Feldspars and Their Reactions, NATO-ASI Institute, Dordrecht - Boston - London, Kluwer Acad. Publishers, pp. 501-540 (1994)
- D. K. Teertstra, P. Černý, F.C. Hawthorne: Rubidium feldspars in granitic pegmatites. Canadian Mineralogist 36, 483 (1998)
- P. Černý: Mineralogy of beryllium in granitic pegmatites. In: Beryllium: Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, Mineral. Soc. America Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 50, pp. 405-444 (2002)
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