Zpět na seznam článků
Hlaváček Ivan
Prof., PhDr., CSc.
Born May 28, 1931
- Auxiliary historical sciences and medieval history
- Member of Learned Society since 1997
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1950-1955, student, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague, specialisation ancient history archiving; following a brief period as lecturer there (under Prof. Václav Vojtíšek), post-graduate study;
- 1955-1958, work on the chancery and diplomatics of Václav IV;
- 1967, Associate Professor; professorship denied until after 1989 (conferred in 1990);
- 1990-2000, Head, Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences; specialised in Bohemian, especially medieval diplomatics, codicology, palaeography, administrative history and historiography of the field;
- 1992-1998, Visiting Professor, University of Constance; participated actively in numerous international symposia and congresses abroad, including in the USA, France, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Austria, Luxembourg, Hungary, Switzerland
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies:
- Vice President, Commission Internationale de Diplomatique
- 1993, Foreign member, Austrian Academy of Science
- 1977, Corresponding member, Monumenta Germaniae Historica (Munich)
- 1990, Member, Constance Society for Mediaeval History
- 1996, Collegium Carolinum (Munich)
- Member of the international society Medium Aevum Quotidianum (Austria)
- Member, Kommission für die Regesta Imperii (Austria)
Notable awards:
- 1981, Křížek Medal of the Slovak Archival Society
- 1995, AS CR Palacký Medal for contributions to the social sciences
- 2003, AS CR Medal De scientia et humanitate optime meritis
Selected publications:
- Mediaeval catalogues of books and libraries in the Czech Lands. Prague, 1966, 161 pp. (in Czech)
- Das Urkunden- und Kanzleiwesen des böhmischen und römischen Königs Wenzel (IV.) 1376-1419. Ein Beitrag zur spätmittelalterlichen Diplomatik (Schriften der MGH 23). Stuttgart 1970, 507 pp
- Protocollum visitationis archidiaconatus Pragensis annis 1379-1382 per Paulum de Janowicz archidiaconum Pragensem factum. (Ivan Hlaváček and Zdeňka Hledíková, Eds.). Prague 1973, 529 pp
- Nichtbohemikale mittelalterliche Originalurkunden in den böhmischen Ländern (with Zdeňka Hledíková). Cologne-Vienna, 1977. IX+200 pp.
- Ze zpráv a kronik doby husitské (From Reports and Chronicles of the Hussite Period). Selected, compiled, and prepared for publication an introductory study, Prague 1981, 487 pp
- On the Organization of the State Administrative System of Václav IV. Two studies of his Itineraries and Council (with AUC, Monografia 137), Prague 1991, 134 pp. (in Czech)
- Introduction to Latin Codicology. Second Edition, Prague, 1994, 96 pp. (in Czech)
- Vademecum of the Auxiliary Historical Sciences (with Jaroslav Kašpar and Rostislav Nov, more than 70 percent). Fourth Edition, Prague 2002, 544 pp., (in Czech)
- Books and Libraries in the Bohemian Middle Ages. In press, approximately 400 pp. (in Czech)
- Josef Emler (1836-1899). Contributions to his teaching, scientific and organizational work. Prague, 1989, 301 pp.
- Author of an introductory treatise on Josef Emler and his standing in Czech historical science in the second half of the 19th century, pp. 9-129, and editor or co-editor of ten other professional proceedings or series.
- More than 200 larger treatises and 1500 reviews and reports on historical literature, mostly for foreign journals.
Připomeňte si diskuse Učené společnosti o open access, o predátorských vydavatelstvích a o dalších aspektech vědeckého publikování:
11.ledna 2023, moderoval Jan Trlifaj:
Open access – pozitiva a rizika
- prof. Michal Hocek (Učená společnost ČR a ÚOCHB AV ČR)
- Ing. Jiří Marek (ÚVT Masarykovy univerzity)
- doc. Daniel Münich (CERGE-EI)
- doc. David Kosař (Právnická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity)
- Ing. Martin Svoboda (NTK a CzechELib)
- dr. Václav Štětka (Loughborough University, UK)
- prof. Jan Trka (2. LF Univerzity Karlovy)
17. ledna 2023, moderoval Martin Loebl:
Heroic Librarians Fighting Publishing Sharks
- Vinciane Gaillard (Zástupce ředitele European University Association)
- Jiří Jirát (člen vyjednávacího týmu CzechELib)
- Gerard Meijer (ředitel Ústavu Fritze Habera MPG a místopředseda německého vyjednávacího týmu DEAL)
- Martin Svoboda (ředitel NTK, vedoucí vyjednávacího týmu pro elektronické zdroje)