Zpět na seznam článků
Drábek Pavel
Prof., RNDr., DrSc.
Born July 29, 1953 in Pardubice
- Mathematics, nonlinear differential equations
- Member of Learned Society since 2003
Educational and professional preparation:
- 1972, graduate, academic secondary school, Pardubice;
- 1972-1977, student, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague;
- 1978, RNDr., FMP CU;
- 1981, CSc., Mathematical Institute, CSAS(MI, CSAS);
- 1987, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Institute, Plzeň;
- 1990, DrSc., MI CSAS;
- 1991 Professor of Mathematics, Faculty of the Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia (FAS, UWB), Plzeň.
Employment and academic positions:
- 1977-78, internal post-graduate student, MI CSAS;
- 1978-1991, lector, lecturer, Associate Professor, MEI;
- 1991-present, Professor at FAS UWB;
- 1990-1999, 2004-present, Head, Department of Mathematics;
- 1990-91, Vice-Rector for Science
Membership in selected domestic scientific bodies:
- 1991-present, Member, Scientific Council of UWB and Scientific Council, FAS UWB
- 1995-2000, Member, Scientific Council, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
- 2003-present, Member, Scientific Council, MI, AS CR
- 2003-present, member, Scientific Council, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Institute of Mining Technology (VŠB) Technical University in Ostrava
- 1992-present, Chairman, Section Council for Doctoral Study Programme in „Applied Mathematics“, FAS UWB
- 1996-present, Member, Czech Committee for Mathematics (since 2004, Chairman)
- 2003-present, Member, Professional Commission for the Science of Inanimate Nature and Engineering, Council for Research and Development
- 2003-present, Member, Standing Commission for D.Sc. Defence in „Mathematical Analysis and Related Fields“
Membership and positions in selected international organizations and societies:
- 1992, member, European Mathematical Society
- 1992, member, American Mathematical Society
- 1995, member, editorial board, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
- 2000, member, standing commission for Dr.Sc. defence in of „Mathematical Analysis“, Slovak Republic
- 2002, member, editorial board, Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
- 2002, member, editorial board, Nonlinear Analysis, Ser. A: Theory and Methods
- 2002, member, editorial board, Abstract and Applied Analysis
- 2003, Editor, Handbook of Differential Equations, Elsevier
Notable awards:
- 1987, First Prize in mathematics for young members competing in the Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists challenge for the best scientific work held on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of UCMP’s founding
- 1989, Second class medal, FMP CU
- 1997, Josef Hlávka Prize, Foundation of the Czech Literary Fund and J., M. and Z. Hlávka Foundation
- 2001, Memorial Medal, University of West Bohemia
Selected publications:
- P. Drábek, G. Holubová: Fredholm alternative for the p-Laplacian in higher dimensions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 263, pp 182-194 (2001)
- P. Drábek, P. Krejčí, P. Takáč: Nonlinear Differential Equations. Chapman & Hall/CRC Research Notes in Mathematics, Series 404. Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington, D.C. 1999
- P. Drábek, S.B. Robinson: Resonance problems for the p-Laplacian. J. Functional Analysis 169, pp 189-200 (1999)
- P. Drábek, A. Kufner, F. Nicolosi: Quasilinear Elliptic Equations with Degenerations and Singularities. Walter de Gruyter Series in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 5, Berlin-New York 1997
- P. Drábek, S.I. Pohozaev: Positive solutions for the p-Laplacian: application of the fibering method. Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 127A, pp 703-726 (1997)
- P. Drábek: Solvability and Bifurcations of Nonlinear Equations. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics. Series 264, Longman Group UK Limited, Harlow 1992
- P. Drábek: Integral Equations. Edition MŠMT, SNTL Praha 1991
- P. Drábek: Landesman-Lazer conditions for nonlinear problems with jumping nonlinearities. J. Differential Equations 85, pp 186-199 (1990)
- P. Drábek, S. Invernizzi: On the periodic BVP for the forced Duffing equations with jumping nonlinearity. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Appl. 10, pp 643-650 (1986)
- P. Drábek: Continuity of Nemytskij’s operator in Holder spaces. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 16, 1, pp 37-57 (1975)
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11.ledna 2023, moderoval Jan Trlifaj:
Open access – pozitiva a rizika
- prof. Michal Hocek (Učená společnost ČR a ÚOCHB AV ČR)
- Ing. Jiří Marek (ÚVT Masarykovy univerzity)
- doc. Daniel Münich (CERGE-EI)
- doc. David Kosař (Právnická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity)
- Ing. Martin Svoboda (NTK a CzechELib)
- dr. Václav Štětka (Loughborough University, UK)
- prof. Jan Trka (2. LF Univerzity Karlovy)
17. ledna 2023, moderoval Martin Loebl:
Heroic Librarians Fighting Publishing Sharks
- Vinciane Gaillard (Zástupce ředitele European University Association)
- Jiří Jirát (člen vyjednávacího týmu CzechELib)
- Gerard Meijer (ředitel Ústavu Fritze Habera MPG a místopředseda německého vyjednávacího týmu DEAL)
- Martin Svoboda (ředitel NTK, vedoucí vyjednávacího týmu pro elektronické zdroje)