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Bolzano lecture by prof. Kip S. Thorne

American physicist Kip S. Thorne, recipient of the Nobel Prize for 2017 for detection of gravitational waves, visited Prague at the invitation of he Learned Society. He held a series of “Bolzano lectures” and a lecture titled “Creating Gravitational-Wave Astronomy” for the Learned Society on 15 May 2019 in the Blue Auditorium of the Carolinum. The lecture was held with the support of the Karel Janeček Foundation and was received very enthusiastically.

Nadace Karla Janečka

Kip S. Thorne also held additional lectures, on 16 May 2019 in the auditorium of the Mathematical-Physical Faculty of Charles University, titled “Geometrodynamics: The Nonlinear Dynamics of Curved Spacetime” and on Friday 17 May a lecture titled “The Warped Side of the Universe: from the big bang to black holes and gravitational waves” in the great hall of the Faculty of Law of Charles University.